Last Updated: January 3, 2023

Under the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”), California residents have the following rights: (1) the right to know, which is the right to request that Medicare Quote Advice disclose information about, or a copy of, the types of personal information we collect, use, and disclose about them; (2) the right to delete, which is the right to request that we delete personal information that is collected or maintained by Medicare Quote Advice ; and (3) the right to non-discrimination, which is the right to be free from discrimination for exercising any consumer rights under the CCPA. We may limit our responses to any requests under the CCPA as permitted by law. For example, we need to maintain certain information to provide our services to you or for legal and compliance purposes.

To exercise your rights to know or delete under the CCPA, please email or call us toll-free at (877) 882-0432. For verification purposes only, we will collect a limited number of personal identifiers, send those through a secure verification system, ask you follow-up questions through our online portal or representative, and then confirm whether your identity has been verified.

You may also designate an authorized agent to make a request to know or delete on your behalf. To designate an authorized agent, you must provide the natural person, or entity registered with the California Secretary of State, with written permission to submit such a request. You (or your agent) will still be required to verify your identity. However, if an authorized agent has been provided with power of attorney in accordance with the California Probate Code, then no additional written authorization is required. All agents must submit proof to Medicare Quote Advice that they have been authorized by any consumer(s) to act on their behalf.


We collect the following categories of personal information:

 • Contact and identification information, such as a real name, alias, postal address, unique personal identifiers, email address, account username and password, telephone number, insurance policy number, account name, social security number, signature, gender, driver’s license number, physical characteristics, consumer status, and other similar identifiers.

 • Driving and claims history, including information about any prior accidents or insurance claims.

 • Vehicle information, such as a vehicle identification number (VIN), vehicle details, including any customizations, and vehicle photos.

 • Financial identifiers, such as a bank account number, credit card number, debit card number, or other financial information.

 • Medical information, such as details involving the injuries sustained in a car accident, the treatment for such injuries, as well as health insurance information.

 • Commercial information about consumer transactions and experiences with us and others, such as payment history, claims, coverage and vehicle changes.

 • Website and app usage and device information, such as search and browsing history, online identifier(s), Internet Protocol address, search history, and information regarding how users interact with our websites, apps, and online advertisements.

 • Professional or employment-related information in the form of business contact information and education or employment history, which we only use as permitted by law.

 • Job Applicant, Employee and Contractor information, in addition to information in the above categories, this information may include birth certificates (to validate dependents), passport numbers, access badge photos, background and screening data, health information (such as body temperature), protected class characteristics, and inferences drawn from the information we collect. This information is used in accordance with state and federal laws and is shared with our human-resources service providers.

We collect each of the above categories from a variety of sources, including:

 Directly from consumers–either online, by mobile app, by phone or in person; antifraud, marketing, analytics, risk-assessment and other service providers; claimants; attorneys; auto dealerships; body shops; medical-field third-parties; our apps and websites; consumer or claimant insurers; police investigations (i.e. accident reports); fraud investigations; and other third-parties.

We collect each of the above categories of information for a variety of purposes, including:

 • For our core business purposes, such as providing quotes for insurance, processing applications (either for insurance or for employment), establishing and servicing policies, claims handling, providing customer support, and furnishing other insurance services. For example, we use information to verify the driving history and information of our applicants; complete billing, payment and reimbursement obligations; and prevent fraud.

 • To assess and improve our product and service offerings, including the development of new products and services.

 • To perform data analysis (including market and consumer search and analytics and trend analysis).

 • To conduct marketing activities and communicate with you regarding products and services offered by Medicare Quote Advice and its partners.

 • To have website and mobile app content (including advertising) delivered based on your Medicare Quote Advice browsing history.

 • With your consent, to have website and mobile app content delivered based on your location history.

 • To enable you to interact with us through social media platforms.

 • To detect and prevent fraud and other prohibited or illegal activity.

 • To maintain and enhance the security and safety of our systems, data, and workplace.

 • To hire qualified employees and maintain our workforce.

 • To comply with legal obligations and policies.

 • To bring and defend claims.

 • For other purposes as permitted by law or to which you consent.

We disclose all of the above categories of personal information to service providers that assist us in providing insurance-related services, which include offering quotes, processing applications (both employment and insurance), and claims handling. If you are involved in an accident with another insured individual, we may have to share your information for the permitted purpose of handling that incident. We may also have to share your information with our reinsurers, excess insurers, insurance-support organizations that help us detect and prevent fraud, state insurance departments and other governmental and law enforcement authorities (where required by law or to protect our legal interests or in cases of suspected fraud or illegal activities), with consumer reporting agencies as permitted by law, and if ordered by subpoena, search warrant or other court order. We may disclose personal information to service providers involved in our marketing, verification, data-processing, risk-assessment, security and antifraud efforts, and as required or permitted by federal or state law. For additional information regarding the categories of personal information we have disclosed and the categories of entities with which we have disclosed such information, please see “The Information We Disclose.”

We have not sold consumers’ personal information in the 12-month period preceding the Effective Date of this Privacy Policy.

Please feel free to contact us with questions or concerns regarding our privacy policy and practices by emailing us at or calling us at (877) 882-0432.

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